Shot list/location scouting

 Location scouting:

Due to the amount of visibly different shots I want, I ideally wish to film in three main locations with at least two different areas in each location I can film in.

Nuneaton-Stockingford recreational park


- There are 5 separate areas to film in

- Really close to my house so can go home to change equipment incase of any accidents

- Public area, free to film in


- Often litter dotted about and can be dangerous due to glass

- Often people in all areas potentially worth filming in

- Can be dangerous place 

I have decided to use this as one of my filming locations because it is a large open space, conviniently located and has a variety of feature that could be useful towards my video.

Nuneaton-The dip


-3 separate areas to film

- Conveniently located making equipment transporting easy

- open so is well lit


- ground is uneven in places making unstable for equipment

- often get people on pit bikes through, making potentially dangerous for equipment 

- kids always there when schools close

I have decided to use this as one of my locations due to the convenience of the location along with the amount of areas to film.

Nuneaton- ensors pool


- Large amount of areas to potentially film

- wildlife makes for aesthetic shots

- mix of open and shaded areas allowing for a variety of lighting


-uneven ground near water is a hazard

- narrow paths making transportation difficult

- a lot of people pass through potentially halting production

I have decided to use this location because the nature fits the aesthetics of the genre of music video I am making along with the amount of places it holds I could film in.

Shot list:

1: At the dip ontop of climbing frame playing ukulele, midshot- 7 seconds

2: Longshot, splitscreen girl and boy holding hands and running round having fun - 7 seconds

3: Midshot, at the dip in wooded area playing ukulele - 6 seconds

4: closeup of protagonists face without sun glasses- 6 seconds

5: At stockingford park on one of the park equipment playing ukulele, longshot if it reaches, if not midshot -7 seconds

6: At ensors, longshot infront of water playing ukulele - 7 seconds

7: At stockingford park sat somewhere, from side, almost over shoulder, playing ukulele -10 seconds

8: same as shot 7 but sat in the field - 12 seconds

9:Same as shot 7 but now long shot infront of character - 11 seconds

10: Longshot, main character playing ukulele on concrete area, male character approaches, she stops and leaves the shot - 13 seconds

11: On a park slide, longshot, playing ukulele - 6 seconds

12: midshot on a roundabout spinning playing ukulele - 7 seconds

13: midshot at ensors sat on low hanging tree playing ukulele -6 seconds

14: same as 14 but side on view -10 seconds

15: same as 6 but now side on view - 10 seconds

16: same as 6 but now midshot -10 seconds 

17: ensors, longshot, leaning up fence desperately trying to get anyone to answer the phone - 26 seconds

18: The dip, midshot, zipline playing ukulele - 9 seconds

19: longshot, concrete area, male standing there using his phone, protag approaches, he stops and leaves - 10 seconds

20: Over head shot in stockingford playing ukulele - 19 seconds

21:  same as shot 1 -8 seconds

22:ensors, longshot, walks in shot, looks for anyone, sits and plays ukulele - 16 seconds


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