Carol Vernallis' theory revolves around four different concepts, being narrative, diegesis, camera movement and framing and editing. Narrative Vernallis states that a music video is the visual response to a song and its lyrics and therefore the video should support the lyrical meaning along with the music. However, the artist should still remain consistently present. This is to allow the audience to feel closer to the artist, along with identify with the music, this in theory leads to the artist gaining support from new fans. Music videos can, but are not limited to being balanced between narrative and performance, the video can be mostly performance or narrative and still convey a strong meaning whilst appealing to the audience. Vernallis goes on to state that continuity isn't as important in music videos and the narratives may often feel fragmented or unfinished; this is because the focus of the audience should still be on the song and if the narrative followed all basic rul...
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