My British New wave film.

 Contextual film idea

In my film I want to show a realistic depiction of how the current epidemic has seriously effected unemployment and how this can effect the poorer/working class people of the UK. I will start off with an audio clip of a phone call alerting the protagonist of the fact that she is being made redundant. I will then cut to a close up of the protagonist reading an eviction notice. Shortly after a loosely scripted internal monologue will begin to play over a long tracking shot of the protagonist walking through town centre and handing/posting her CV to various businesses, this is to allow the audience to empathise with her stress and worry about becoming homeless. Later I will show footage of the protagonist and her daughter using unhealthy coping mechanisms such as drinking and smoking and I will use an audio clip resembling ears ringing getting louder as the video goes on, this is to simulate the pain and discomfort that the situation that was forced upon them has caused and how it can grow until its no longer bearable for some. I will also use clips of the protagonist and her daughter packing their things into a bin bag and then leaving the house, these two clips are to simulate the final stress of losing the house and almost all of your material possessions and eventually becoming homeless. All of this will be shot using a hand held camera to simulate real life as much as possible and add to the feelings of instability presented throughout. Most of the video will be shot inside a house so as to make it as true to the concept as possible, however, a few shots will be taken in Nuneaton town centre and riversly park so as to create a documentary feel.  My film, when edited, will be in all black and white as this was a common theme in British new wave.

scripted scene:

"Its not fair. All I have ever done is work hard and try to be a good parent. Look where it got me. Divorced, jobless and soon to be homeless. Its not my fault a pandemic started, so why do I feel as though i'm being punished for it? Will I have time to get a new job? Where should I even start"


I will use my canon DSLR to shoot this as it produces high quality video and is able to be used as a lightweight, handheld camera making my on location, outdoor shots much easier to film. I will be using an 18-55mm zoom lens as this gives me plenty of opportunity to adapt to different scenery quickly. I will be relying mostly on natural lighting (in some scenes I will use LED lights to aid correct exposure) this is to keep on track with the realistic, documentary style that British new wave presents to us. 

Health and safety

Before filming in my house I checked all of the locations we were going to use and made sure anything we were at risk of tripping over was tidied away where possible, where it wasnt possible, I warned the people taking part to be extra careful of said hazards and showed them the safest routes to manoeuvre around. I also ensured no food or drink was in the same room as any electricals to ensure nothing was to be short circuited and I instructed everyone to keep food and drink away (minus the kitchen scene, here the camera was kept at a distance from all liquids at all times). When shooting outside I re iterated the importance of being careful not to fall over whilst handling equipment so as injury and breakages could be avoided. I also ensured everyone wore a mask in public spaces with large amounts of people in, as well as social distancing to our best abilities.

Last minute issues

Extremely unfortunately, the day before the deadline, as I was opening my folders to edit all my clips together, I discovered a large amount of my footage files had corrupted. Upon realising there was no quick enough way to fix this in time, Ive had to re evaluate my options. Instead of focusing in on job seeking throughout my video I plan to focus purely on being evicted because of already being unemployed during the pandemic. All of my shots will be shot in my house and, luckily, my mother agreed to star in my film for me. I will start off with the same kind of audio clip of a phone call but instead, it will be a message left by her land lady, giving her a short amount of time to vacate. This will be played over the top of a long shot of the protagonist pacing due to stress. It will then cut to a scripted video of her arguing over the phone with her land lady, this scene is to draw out empathy from the audience. After this clip the audio of the ears ringing will begin as a shot of the protagonists daughter packing her belongings whilst seeking comfort from her dog. It will then cut to a shot of the protagonist budgeting whilst surrounded by prescription meds and paperwork, this shot will contain a few jump cuts to symbolise how all over the place she feels. It will then cut to the shot of her daughter drinking and eventually finish with a long tracking shot of the protagonist putting her keys on the side and exiting through a door.

New Wave Film

Overall, I am somewhat disappointed with my production. Not much of it went to the original plan and it ended up having to be rushed. Whilst I believe the context follows the theme of the time period that influenced it and accurately reflects the pain and struggle caused to the misfortunate by the economic crash caused by covid-19, I just didn't correctly capture the technique in this video. I believe the tracking shot at the end of the production, along with the use of black and white was correctly used and does accurately reflect british new wave. However, apart from those two examples my production was hugely lacking and I could have incorporated more techniques such as breaking the fourth wall to enhance my production. A valuable lesson I have learnt from this is to always have a backup of your important work and to correctly delegate time slots for when to get important work done for.


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